Childrens hammock chair with assembly kit, Kokon 2

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Kokon hammock chair for children with assembly kit. A fantastic swing for your child's fun!
Producteur: Koala Hammock suite

Childrens hammock chair with assembly kit, Kokon 2

Kokon hammock chair for children with assembly kit. A fantastic swing for your child's fun!
Hammocks are not only fun, they are also an important factor influencing the proper physical and mental development of a child. Hammocks have long been used with excellent results in many medical therapies. Turning and turning inside the chair, supervised by adults, stimulates the sense of balance and counteracts perceptual problems. Gentle rocking in the chair stimulates the sense of balance, which develops children's fine motor skills. The armchair is a perfect place to relax and unwind. The Kokon hammock chair is intended for children over 3 years old. Usage Information To mount the Kokon children's hammock chair, a minimum height of 200 cm is required, and the minimum distance from the ground should be 30 cm. If the suspension is higher, we use a rope to adjust the suspension height of the Cocoon. The attachment point can be on the ceiling or beam. The kit should not be installed on suspended ceilings. The chair should be located at an appropriate distance from walls and furniture so that the material does not wear out and the Hammocks are not only fun, they are also an important factor influencing the proper physical and mental development of a child. Hammocks have long been used with excellent results in many medical therapies. Turning and turning inside the chair, supervised by adults, stimulates the sense of balance and counteracts perceptual problems. Gentle rocking in the chair stimulates the sense of balance, which develops children's fine motor skills. The armchair is a perfect place to relax and unwind.

The Kokon hammock chair is intended for children over 3 years old.

Usage Information
To mount the Kokon children's hammock chair, a minimum height of 200 cm is required, and the minimum distance from the ground should be 30 cm. If the suspension is higher, we use a rope to adjust the suspension height of the Cocoon.
The attachment point can be on the ceiling or beam. The kit should not be installed on suspended ceilings. The chair should be located at an appropriate distance from walls and furniture so that the material does not wear out and the child does not hit it while rocking. The cocoon is removed using a carabiner.
All assembly elements should be regularly checked, including the rope that may become worn depending on the intensity of the child's play, the condition of the seat and the handle with screws.
The cocoon can be washed at 30 C, after removing the pillow. We do not dry in a dryer.

ATTENTION! The set should not be mounted on suspended ceilings.

Before assembling the hammock, read the assembly instructions and follow the recommendations contained therein. Mounting elements made of metal are connected with a rope. Avoid attaching carabiners directly to metal elements. Improper installation of the hammock may cause dangerous accidents. It is necessary to periodically check the mounting system. The links may become frayed. We recommend systematically checking the locking screws to see if they are properly tightened.child does not hit it while rocking. The cocoon is removed using a carabiner. All assembly elements should be regularly checked, including the rope that may become worn depending on the intensity of the child's play, the condition of the seat and the handle with screws. The cocoon can be washed at 30 C, after removing the pillow. We do not dry in a dryer. ATTENTION! The set should not be mounted on suspended ceilings. Before assembling the hammock, read the assembly instructions and follow the recommendations contained therein. Mounting elements made of metal are connected with a rope. Avoid attaching carabiners directly to metal elements. Improper installation of the hammock may cause dangerous accidents. It is necessary to periodically check the mounting system. The links may become frayed. We recommend systematically checking the locking screws to see if they are properly tightened.

Spécification technique

Dimensions de la matière [cm]: 70 cm średnica siedziska
Hauteur totale [cm]: 150
Charge admise [kg]: 80
Matériaux: Bawełna
Wiek: 3-10 lat

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DPD - TABLEAU DES CHARGES (livraison en Pologne)

mode de paiement coût livraison gratuite**
Virement bancaire 4,78 € -
Przelewy24 4,78 € -
PayPal 6,20 € -
Paiement à la livraison 5,65 € -

InPost courier - TABLE OF CHARGE (delivery in Poland)

payment method cost** free delivery**
Bank transfer 5,22 € from 120 €
Przelewy24 5,22 € from 120 €
PayPal* 6,63 € from 120 €
Cash on delivery 6,52 € from 130 €


Paczkomaty InPost (Casier à colis) - TABLEAU DES CHARGES (livraison en Pologne)

mode de paiement coût livraison gratuite
Virement bancaire 4,13 € -
Przelewy24 4,35 € -
PayPal 5,76 € -

Orlen Paczka (point de ramassage) - TABLEAU DES CHARGES (livraison en Pologne)

mode de paiement coût livraison gratuite
Virement bancaire 3,04 € from 87 €
Przelewy24 3,26 € from 87 €
PayPal 4,67 € from 98 €

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A4 République tchèque, Slovaquie 20 € INDISPONIBLE
A5 Allemagne 20 € INDISPONIBLE
C Turquie, Amérique du Sud, Amérique centrale et Asie INDISPONIBLE INDISPONIBLE

* Les transactions réalisées par PayPal incluent des frais de 3% de la valeur de la transaction.

**REMARQUE: Dans le cas de l'achat d'un support de hamac avec livraison en Pologne, des frais de livraison fixes de 40 € / 60 € / 70 € sont appliqués, quel que soit le mode de paiement et la valeur de la commande (pas d'option de "livraison gratuite") .

***REMARQUE: L’envoi d’un support de hamac n’est possible que dans les zones A1-A5. Pour les frais de livraison standard, un montant supplémentaire de 40 € / 60 € / 70 € est ajouté, quels que soient le mode de paiement et la valeur de la commande (pas d’option de "livraison gratuite").

TRANSFERT BANCAIRE (réalisé par mBank S.A.) - Le consommateur est tenu d'effectuer un paiement dans les 7 jours à compter de la date du contrat de vente.

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43 1140 2017 0000 4912 0014 1119

IBAN: PL43 1140 2017 0000 4912 0014 1119

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Childrens hammock chair with assembly kit, Kokon 2