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Politica de confidențialitate

Magazinul online respectă pe deplin dreptul utilizatorilor magazinului la confidențialitate și la protecția datelor cu caracter personal. Prin prezenta informăm că datele personale vor fi prelucrate de compania MOUTON interactive cu sediul în: ul. Starowiejska 265, 08-110 Siedlce, pentru executarea corectă a ordinului. Datele personale sunt păstrate în baza de date a magazinului numai în cazul înregistrării Clientului în magazin. Datele vor fi securizate în conformitate cu Legea privind protecția datelor cu caracter personal (Jurnalul de legi nr. 133 din 29.10.1997 pct. 833). De asemenea, vă informăm că aveți dreptul să revizuiți și să corectați datele dvs. personale.

Utilizatorii magazinului nostru sunt anonimi, cu excepția cazului în care decid altfel. Informațiile rezultate din principiile legăturilor implementate online, incluse în așa-numitele jurnale de sistem (de exemplu, adresa noastră IP) sunt utilizate în scopuri tehnice.

Unele zone ale magazinului pot utiliza cookie-uri, mici fișiere text trimise către computerul Clientului, identificând Clientul într-un mod necesar pentru simplificarea sau întreruperea unei operațiuni date. Aceste fișiere nu sunt utilizate niciodată pentru colectarea de date confidențiale și, în majoritatea cazurilor, sunt utilizate pentru identificarea unui client care revizuiește site-urile noastre web și pentru culegerea datelor statistice utilizate exclusiv în scopurile companiei și nu sunt divulgate terților în niciun caz.

Accesul la internet permite utilizarea site-urilor web care dezactivează cookie-urile, de ex.,, Cu toate acestea, acest lucru poate cauza unele dificultăți la plasarea comenzilor. Amintiți-vă că informațiile colectate prin intermediul cookie-urilor nu vor încălca dreptul la confidențialitate și ne vor ajuta să îmbunătățim calitatea ofertei noastre.

Categorization of cookies.


Necessary – they are necessary, they are used for the proper functioning of the website:

Cookie Domain Tool Type Description Expiration time
PHPSESSID Required General purpose platform session cookie, used by pages written in PHP. Session
hamaki_poczekalnia Required This cookie stores the IDs of the products you have added to your favorites. 1 month
royalty_program Required This cookie stores the status of the loyalty program. 6 months
SIDCC Google Required Confirms Google visitor authenticity, prevents fraudulent use of Google login details, and protects visitor data from unauthorised access. 1 year
trackingPermissionConsentsValue Required Handles information for applications about which tracking consents are enabled. 1 month
twk_uuid_57fe286b9ca1830bdc90e717 Required Cookie file of the platform, which provides a chat function for communication with store staff. 6 months
twk_idm_key Required Cookie file of the platform, which provides a chat function for communication with store staff. This cookie remembers the end user so that previous chat conversations can be identified to improve services. Session
TawkConnectionTime Required When a visitor opens a page from a website and widget is already appearing in multiple browser tabs on that site, the TawkConnectionTime cookie manages requests to load the widget simultaneously Session
_GRECAPTCHA Google Recaptcha Required This cookie is necessary for Google reCAPTCHA to make an assessment if the traffic to the site is legitimate or malicious. 6 months

Advertising – these are optional, thanks to them we can better tailor the content we display to you:
Cookie Domain Tool Type Description Expiration time
_gcl_au Google Ads Advertising Google Ads platform cookie. The platform is used to conduct advertising activities in the search engine and the Google advertising partner network. It collects anonymous data and aggregates it into reports on advertising effectiveness. In addition to the types of ads mentioned above, Google Ads provides retargeting technology, which means reaching people who have visited a given website in the past with an advertising message. 3 months
__Secure-1PSIDTS Google Advertising Google's __Secure-1PSIDTS cookie collects information about your interactions with Google services and ads. It contains a unique identifier. 1 year
__Secure-3PSIDTS Google Advertising Google’s __Secure-3PSIDTS cookie collects information about your interactions with Google services and ads. It is used to measure advertising effectiveness and deliver personalised content based on your interests. The cookie contains a unique identifier. 2 years
__Secure-ENID Google Advertising This cookie is used by Google to remember your preferences and other information. 1 year
__Secure-1PAPISID Google Advertising This cookie is used for targeting purposes to build a profile of the website visitor's interests in order to show relevant & personalised Google advertising. 2 years
__Secure-1PSID Google Advertising This cookie is used for targeting purposes to build a profile of the website visitor's interests in order to show relevant and personalised Google advertising. 2 years
__Secure-1PSIDCC Google Advertising This cookie is used for targeting purposes to build a profile of the website visitor's interests in order to show relevant & personalised Google advertising. 1 year
__Secure-3PAPISID Google Advertising This cookie is used for targeting purposes to build a profile of the website visitor's interests in order to show relevant and personalised Google advertising. 2 years
__Secure-3PSID Google Advertising This cookie is used for targeting purposes to build a profile of the website visitor's interests in order to show relevant and personalised Google advertising. 2 years
__Secure-3PSIDCC Google Advertising This cookie is used by Google to build a profile of website visitor interests to show relevant and personalised ads through retargeting. 1 year
_fbp Facebook / Meta Advertising Used by Meta to deliver a series of advertising products such as real-time bidding from third party advertisers. 3 months

Analytical – they are optional, they allow us to better understand your needs and improve the website:
Cookie Domain Tool Type Description Expiration time
_ga Google Analytics Analytical This cookie name is associated with Google Universal Analytics - which is a significant update to Google's more commonly used analytics service. This cookie is used to distinguish unique users by assigning a randomly generated number as the customer ID. It is included with every page request on your website and is used to calculate visitor sessions and campaign data for website analytics reports. 2 years
_ga_2D6JMTSL6N Google Analytics Analytical This cookie is used by Google Analytics to maintain session state. 2 years
_gid Google Analytics Analytical This cookie is set by Google Analytics. It stores and updates a unique value for each page visited and is used to count and track page views. 1 day
OTZ Google Analytics Analytical This cookie is used by Google Analytics to provide an analysis of website visitors in aggregate. 1 month


We also use tracking pixels. They make it possible to track your behavior on our website using an image (usually one pixel in size) embedded in the website code. The operation of a given pixel may be linked to the use of own or external cookies.

Once you agree, the browser automatically establishes a direct connection to the server storing the pixel. The processing of data collected by the pixel takes place within the framework of the data protection policy of the partner managing the server on which the pixel is embedded.


Cookies do not constitute personal data, but the information they contain, especially in combination with your other data, may be treated as personal data. The cookie mechanism does not allow you to download any personal data or any confidential information from your device.


We only use cookies and tracking pixels if you agree to it. You can check your consents at You can also withdraw all or some of your consents there. You can also delete cookies yourself at any time; to do so, please follow the instructions provided by the web browser manufacturer:
Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox
Microsoft Edge
Safari macOS
Safari iOS/iPad OS


note that if you restrict the use of cookies in your browser, some features of our website may no longer work.

